
Georg and Maria

His fish died the day after my last post. He said good-bye to it, then we flushed it.

Later, he came out of his play room and announced that when play-dough dies, it gets hard and dry. He was smiling and seemed so proud of himself. I think he's getting it.

This morning we were watching the singing scenes in The Sound of Music and he asked me where the naughty kids' mother was. I said they didn't have a mother.

He said, "I think she died."

I have to admit that I myself have never once wondered where their mother was. Then later when Maria was dancing with the Captain in the garden and the kids were watching adoringly, my boy said, "I think she's going to be their new mother."

Julie Andrews is so strong and positive and clear-looking that it brings tears to my eyes to watch her.

I went to see a counselor yesterday. I was surprised how many themes in my life came together by simply sitting down and talking about them. Making sense of things....

I am spending the morning working on the website I'm designing for my friend
Swaying about, listening to Saint Etienne, designing
I am in my element in my studio
Loving it

"Gentle and giving -- all the rest is treason." Saint Etienne


b said...

I've taken over the den in our apartment as my own. Naomi Ito paintings and photos of my births surround me, it is wonderful.

Azucena said...

I came to your blog because we have similar interests. I am also living abroad coming from Nicaragua that lived in the US for 20 years and now expat in Brazil. I enjoyed reading the website that you are creating for your friend on baby carriers